Feel your True & Essential Being
Guided Gong Meditations - Collection in English
By feeling the connection with your True Self, you reach an ideal mental and emotional state, which then translate into a natural harmony and balance in your life. Circumstances change, stages in life change, the body ages...but your essence remains peaceful, perfect, complete, harmonious and powerful
Up Next in Guided Gong Meditations - Collection in English
Antidote against Boredom
Monotony or Boredom is the consequence of the way each one of us is creating, processing and feeling life. It is the resulting experience of the attention being constantly put on preconceived ideas, experiences and concepts from the past, instead of fully being in that reality which is in front ...
Love & Compassion. A Deep Need
It is well proven that love and compassion support physical and emotional wellbeing. Compassion is linked to lower levels of inflammation and linked with a longer and happier life. Self compassion supports health related behaviors such as stopping or reducing tobacco and alcohol consumption. It ...
What to do when feeling Overwhelmed
Anger, sadness, frustration, stress... At times it is challenging to overcome these overwhelming emotional states. And we feel as being possessed by them...trapped by them. The solution takes a moment awareness and practice to develop ways to cut right away with this emotions whenever they appear...