Guided Gong Meditations - Collection in English

Guided Gong Meditations - Collection in English

A unique collection of transformative sessions containing mindfulness practices and guided meditations, amplified with the powerful sound of the gongs. For those in search of a true and sustained change and evolution in their personal and professional life, these experiences led by Gaby are ideal.

Guided Gong Meditations - Collection in English
  • Transform negativity - Tune into Possibilities

    Gaby shares three powerful Practices of Awareness to transform negativity when the circumstance feels tough. 1.To find a neutral and a positive aspect in a situation that initially is perceived as negative. 2. To trade expectation put into others and life for appreciation. That way we reduce fru...

  • Let Go of your Old Self and open yourself to the NEW

    Let Go Of your Old Self and open yourself to the NEW. A powerful practice to determine the things and characteristics that you don't welcome anymore in your life. Once that is identified it is easy to stop whenever that pattern shows up. The second part is to determine the wonderful things and as...

  • Transformation of a Negative or Painful Emotion

    We all have a recurring negative or painful emotion that is usually triggered by the same element or related situation in the environment. When you feel that emotion, is like being trapped or under a kind of spell that controls you. So this session is for you to heal and transform that symbol of ...

  • Feel your True & Essential Being

    By feeling the connection with your True Self, you reach an ideal mental and emotional state, which then translate into a natural harmony and balance in your life. Circumstances change, stages in life change, the body ages...but your essence remains peaceful, perfect, complete, harmonious and pow...

  • Antidote against Boredom

    Monotony or Boredom is the consequence of the way each one of us is creating, processing and feeling life. It is the resulting experience of the attention being constantly put on preconceived ideas, experiences and concepts from the past, instead of fully being in that reality which is in front ...

  • Love & Compassion. A Deep Need

    It is well proven that love and compassion support physical and emotional wellbeing. Compassion is linked to lower levels of inflammation and linked with a longer and happier life. Self compassion supports health related behaviors such as stopping or reducing tobacco and alcohol consumption. It ...

  • What to do when feeling Overwhelmed

    Anger, sadness, frustration, stress... At times it is challenging to overcome these overwhelming emotional states. And we feel as being possessed by them...trapped by them. The solution takes a moment awareness and practice to develop ways to cut right away with this emotions whenever they appear...

  • Learn how to Eliminate Chronic Stress in your Life

    Through this daily recommended practices feel the wonder of living a healthier, happier & balanced life free on the deeply harmful chronic stress. Learn how to breathe to counteract stress and practice a guided meditation for a deep relaxation which will be amplified by the sound of the ancestral...

  • Improve your Relationships

    When you fall in love your complete life changes and you experience a true mindful life: You are fully committed to the present moment, with no resistance, with sustained attention, acceptance, patience, with a non-judging & non-striving attitude, with kindness, everything appears to be perfect, ...

  • How to Calm your Impulses. Urge Surfing

  • How does Meditation Transform your Life Guided Gong Meditation

  • Existential Void? Know How to Overcome it

  • Use your Mind to optimize your Health

  • Are your beliefs supporting your happiness?

  • Healing Emotions from the Past

  • Improve your Relationship through Communication

    Communication is the bridge that connects the universe of information that each human being is carrying in their mind. This universe of information and beliefs is the one who defines the way that person feels a react toward life. So the only way to understand that person is through communication....

  • Become your own Alchemist

  • The Powerful Written Word as a Therapeutic & Creative Tool

    The written word can reveal what is your depression, or any constant symptom or condition in your life trying to tell you. It is a powerful therapeutic tool.
    It is also the beginning of all manifestations in life. Learn in this session how to use the powerful word to gain both extraordinary benefits

  • Reconnect with your Inspiration & Sense of Aliveness

    You need to know what is important to "You"...What is your purpose in life, to truly live your life in its full potential. It is worthy to reconnect with your own inspiration and passion....To rescue the Sense of Aliveness

  • What is your body telling you?

    When you don't attend the signals that your body constantly send to you, they may evolve into symptoms and disease

  • Be Aware of your Storytelling Mind..

    Understanding that the nature of the unconscious is to produce random thoughts all the time, all kinds of worries about the future, and negative judgments about yourself and the others. Once you are able to observe that, you then understand that life is beautiful, and all suffering, stress, anger...

  • Connect with your loved ones through sound

    A spiritual encounter with your loved one(s) and bring to you immense and deep inner peace... Try it when you feel you miss that person

  • Transmute your painful past into your unique wisdom

    Once you release your emotional pain, you are able to transform all those painful experiences from the past into your unique wisdom

  • Feel Comfortable with Change

    This tendency of wanting to control everything does not allow us to evolve in life. Evolution needs change. Life is a constant change and we are part of life. Learn to feel comfortable with change so that you continue to evolve in life ...