Nature's Wisdom Collection in English

Nature's Wisdom Collection in English

‘Nature’s Wisdom’ collection, presents powerful visualizations and teachings of Nature which will help you to perceive, feel and integrate the qualities and powers of Nature’s manifestations within yourself. Understanding that whether it be the mountain, sea, sky, the seasons, the elements in Nature or yourself, we all carry the same energy: Energy of Life. But through time, the process of being educated, and life's experiences, we lost sight of some of these qualities. So these liberating and harmonizing visualizations are meant to give you back to you what originally and naturally was part of your Being. Each video has been captured in meaningful and awesome settings in the US and Mexico.

Nature's Wisdom Collection in English
  • Why Appreciation over Expectation

    Trade expectations for appreciation when it comes to others. Placing high expectations on others or on circumstances tends to generate continuous frustration. Because people and life are as they are and not how we expect for them to be. The recommendation is to practice appreciating more when it ...

  • Feel Empowered. Visualization on the Mountain

    Re-connect with your inner strength, stability and self-confidence in those moments when a person or the circumstance is making you feel in disadvantage, threatened, vulnerable or weak. Whenever your feel your self- esteem or self-confidence fragile, receive the benefit of this visualization and ...

  • Let Go of the Past and Embrace Life

    Cutting links with the past means that you are aware of no longer viewing and feeling the present moment as an extension of it. The past is just your wisdom. And to stop doing these constant past associations in every new moment, is an essential practice to fully embrace that present moment as a ...

  • Become the Observer of your Thoughts. Thoughts are like "Erosion"

    Thoughts and Emotions shape your life, the same as wind and water erode the earth.
    Become the observer of your thoughts so you can identify and stop right away the negative ones, which are deeply destructive. Gaby will guide you into being aware of positive and negative thoughts for you to expan...

  • Inner Peace. Meditation on Spaciousness Within

    In this short video, Gaby offers you a very useful and effective visualization practice so that at any moment you can re-connect with your inner peace and return your own equanimity and clarity. The degree of effectiveness depends on your constant practice.

  • Transform your Negative and Painful Emotions

    A guide by Gaby that shows you an effective and profound way of transforming a constant negative emotion to avoid the blockages it produces in your life. These constant negative emotions are generally learned as kids. So to really transform them, it is necessary to access the unconscious part of ...

  • Awareness on the Words we choose.

    After a ceremony on the element wind. Gaby shares a reflection and a practice of awareness on the "Words" we think and speak, which can unite or destroy. In Toltec wisdom, the tongue is represented like a an arrowhead that can point out the path or kill.

  • Tune in to Potential. Life as a constant Vortex of possibilities

    Life is a constant vortex of potential wonders. It is up to us what we choose. Gaby will guide you in your process of becoming aware and connecting with who you really are, so you can attract to your life that which resonates with the unique and wonderful Being that you are, free of interferences.

  • Grief Meditation

    Gaby shares a visualization to peacefully integrate the loss of a loved one. The intention of this meditation is to reach a "space of no-time" to feel the essence of life, creating a moment of spiritual connection..

  • Smiling Heals

    A simple smile has the power to heal. When we smile the chemicals in the brain and body change. To smile generates dopamines and endorphins, which allows us to feel happy, creative, inspired, patient; plus we boost our immune system and all the systems in the body..

  • Peace and Strength-Ocean Visualization

    Ocean meditation to re-connect with your inner peace and strength by visualizing those characteristics in its constant activity of creation and renewal.

  • Cleansing. Meditation on Water

    A little ritual with a glass of water to wash negative thoughts and emotions by focusing on Love. By using our body and senses to feel, we comprehend and integrate better an experience. Rituals are a great vehicle for that. Plus water is an excellent reminder on how much energy words, thoughts an...

  • Resilience. Majestic Tree Visualization

    A visualization to reconnect with your inner strength, resilience and trust in life… Powerful practice for those moments when life or the circumstance feels like a harsh winter: Hostile and tough.

  • Reset. Visualization to refresh your energy

    Reset by visualizing a pure, white and fresh environment. You can reset your emotions and connect with your inner silence and refreshing new energy

  • Transform your emotional-behavioral Patterns

    Once you understand the sequence within your mind which prompts the way you see, feel, react and behave towards life, it is easier to retrain the mind and body into different perspective and ways to life to feel. And by doing that we are already creating different neuro - connections or new habits.